Monday, October 10, 2011

Are we there yet?

Do you remember going on a family trip?

Dad behind the wheel, driving and getting mighty irritated at the misbehaving kids in the back seat who had been told to behave.

Turning around to remind them to KNOCK IT OFF, OR ELSE!

That’s kind of how Numbers is turning out to be.

Although initially saved in Exodus through the provision of food in the form of heavenly manna, the Israelites seem to have gotten tired of eating it.

The Israelites gathering manna
And commence to complaining to God about it.

Which is a mistake.

But it does lead to a fairly hilarious rant by God in response to the Israelites’ complaints about manna.

“You want meat?” says God: “I’ll feed you spoiled brats meat ‘til you puke!”

Actually, God says :“You shall have meat until it comes out of your nostrils.”

Which is pretty close to if not exactly the same thing.

Unfortunately, the Israelites don’t pick up on God’s not so subtle hint that He is more than just a little ticked off, and proceed to continue to complain while on their trip to the Promised Land of Canaan.

This time, it is in response to the spies who identify a land of plenty but who feel that the Israelites might be somewhat outnumbered and overmatched.

Rather than looking to God and take the position that He will help them prevail, the Israelites begin carping about their situation, and of how they wished they were back under human bondage by their fleshpots in Egypt.

And of how they wished they were dead.

Which is the wrong thing to wish for around God.

Because he in essence grants their wish.

No carping Israelite will reach Canaan 

All the “sinful generation” will perish in the wilderness.

Of the over 600,000 at the beginning of the trip, only two, Joshua and Caleb, will make it across the Jordan.

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