Friday, September 30, 2011

In the beginning...

The Hebrew word Beresheet, which means "in the beginning"

Why not start on Rosh Hashana?  It is, after all, the New Year.

Read the Holy Bible in 90 days. 

Thought it was a joke. 

Thought that it couldn't possibly be done! 

We'll be seeing about that.

I'm already through Genesis. Actually a little bit into Exodus.

I hadn't read the fine print after receiving the challenge/dare/inspiration from a friend from high school (who has wound up being a minister of God in a denomination that I understand is not), and started early on Monday. 

So much the better. 

Nice to get a head start when you can.

Couple of points from the exercise to date:

(1)  Forgot about there being a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil AND a different Tree of Life.  If the latter was available and on the menu, so to speak, why not eat from that one first.  Shows that there is much truth in the Bible, as folks were (and still are) pretty shortsighted and dumb.

Abram before God
(2)  Kind of creepy when God is talking to Himself as "We" in the garden, and appears to Abram as three men.  All things are possible, and it's an interesting precursor to the concept of The Trinity, but it's still kind of creepy.

(3)  What's up with all of the husbands and wives passing themselves off as brother and sister?  I can see why King Abimelech would get a little bent with the family, so to speak, if first the father and then the son pulled that kind of stunt.

(4)  Weird how everyone covenants when "there ain't enough room in this here town for the two of us", then piles up a bunch of rocks to mark the spot, and thereafter calls the place: "This is the pile of rocks that marks were we covenanted".

(5)  I know it was an outrage to Israel when Hamor went a little too far with Dinah, but is that a good reason to kill all of the Shechemites?  That's a good way to become "odious" to the locals.  I mean, for Pete's sake, Hamor was in love and apologized!  Anyway, pretty low blow to attack someone when they're just coming off adult circumcision, don't you think?

(6)  And, in closing the inaugural post, I never knew that Ishmael was a wild ass!

Hence the name of this endeavor.